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Nov 4th - Nov 5th

Muscle Shoals Songwriters Festival

Muscle Shoals Songwriters Festival

This event has expired and is here for your information.

The Muscle Shoals Songwriters Festival is set to return to the “Hit Recording Capital of The World,” Muscle Shoals, Ala., on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 4-5, for two days of music and talent.

Owner and Founder of the Muscle Shoals Songwriters Festival, Lillian Glanton said, “We are excited to kick off the third annual festival. Each year we grow in attendance, artist talent and enthusiasm for songwriters.”

This year’s festival will feature over 30 hit songwriters who will be showcasing their music at various venues in Muscle Shoals. The larger shows will take place at the Marriott Shoals Conference Center, with smaller shows being hosted at multiple music venues in the area.

“There’s nothing I enjoy more than bringing together my love of songwriting and love for my hometown,” Lillian explained. “Four years ago, I recognized a need for a songwriter’s festival in Muscle Shoals and had no idea what to expect. Today, the festival is attended by more than one thousand people and growing rapidly. It is all because of the outstanding individuals who support this event.”

For more information, visit www.mssongfest.com.

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