July 4th Fireworks Show 2020
This event has expired and is here for your information.
Friends and Family,
The 4th of July is almost here, and Danny Richardson is already getting geared up for the fireworks show! Darrell and Terri Goins welcome you all to their home in Leighton AL for this FANTASTIC SHOW!!!!
Watching the show will be a little different this year as we want to continue to practice safe social distancing. Please either remain in or beside your vehicle. For those getting out of your vehicles please remember to keep a safe 6ft distance from others.
The show will start at 8:30!! You may park on either side of the driveway or in the designated pastures. Since other large shows in our area have been canceled parking vehicles will begin around 7:30.
He’s planning for the best show yet! Hope to see you here!
10004 2nd Street Leighton AL 35646